ATTENTION: Coaches, Speakers, Authors, Creatives, and other Women Service-Based Entrepreneurs...

Are you ready to get clear on who you want to work with and Exactly what you do...
so that you ignite your brilliance and attract your perfect clients?



Finally  nail your dream client and craft the perfect offer that will evoke your  BEST  work and grow your clan of enthusiastic fans

  • You want to get your message out to those you were born to serve, without spinning your wheels going nowhere.
  •  You only want to work with clients who are an absolute match for your brilliance…. You’re just not sure what that is.
  • ​You’re ready to build a business that MATTERS, and a lifestyle you LOVE.

You’ve taken the courses, listened to the podcasts, read the books, maybe even hired a coach…

and you’ve certainly put in the work. But still that elusive momentum just hasn’t kicked in yet.

But you know now is your time. You’re ready for someone to take you by the hand and guide you through the process of clarifying your dream client, your message, and your offer.

You have a vision of a business that feeds your soul as well as your bank account…

But you’re not experiencing the level of success you dreamed of. You feel frustrated and disappointed in yourself. You’re beginning to feel like a failure.

You feel all over the map when it comes to who you want to serve and you’re not super clear on the specific transformation you offer. So, you’re undercharging and not getting enough clients.

You want to stand out and share your gifts as the unique woman that you are, but instead you’re getting lost in the entrepreneurial shuffle, and sounding a bit like everyone else.


having complete clarity and focus on who you are perfectly, divinely born to serve… the dream clients who evoke your brilliance and you evoke the very best in them.

bursting with success and confidence knowing deep inside exactly what your superpowers are, and how to leverage them in your business (and your life).

​clients are lining up to work with you because they know you “get them” and your message and your offers perfectly match their needs. 

having your Signature Offer (online course, speech, workshop, book) mapped out, and knowing the specific next steps you must take to get it out into the world and build your clan of fans ready to buy. 

I'm excited to share...

The Braveheart Business Blueprint

A 4-month VIP (hi-touch) group coaching program where you will clarify your dream client, define your messaging, create a movement, and put the foundation in place to monetize your mission and message with your Signature Offer. You will leave with a blueprint for a business that is an authentic expression of who you are.

The Braveheart Business Blueprint includes the 6 Pillars of True Business Success (the 6Ms).

They are your ...

Mission.    Before you can define your dream client and your message, you first have to know what fires you up and inspires you to take action to towards the work you were born to do. In this pillar we explore your purpose and passions, what REALLY matters to you, and your unique gifts and strengths, so that you can grow a successful business based on YOUR superpowers. Time to kick butt!

Market.   Based on what you discovered in the previous pillar we now take a deep dive into who you are here to serve. If you’ve had a hard time with this in the past, don’t worry. Even most “experts” get this all wrong. But I guarantee, once you nail this, everything else in your business will fall into place so much more easily. 
Message.   What is the transformation, the expertise, the message you are here to share, and how can you stand out as unique so your peeps (the ones who are out there looking for YOU) can find you? That’s what we’ll uncover next. 
Movement.   It’s not enough just to attract your ideal clients in ones and twos. Let’s help you create a movement that will magnetize your peeps to you, so you have a growing clan of enthusiastic fans supporting you in spreading your vision in the world. Woop Woop! Now we’re rocking!
Mindset.   So, about now in the process your saboteurs generally kick in and try to undermine your success. But they have no chance! In this pillar you’ll discover what your Survival Bubble is, how it keeps you living small, and the key steps you must take to leap outside it. As you tap into your Brave Heart Spirit you’ll find yourself more daring, soaring beyond past limits and embodying the boldness and courage that you will need to promote your work in the world. (I promise, after this, putting yourself  “out there” won’t be as scary as you think.)
Monetization.   So now we get down to the nitty gritty (and here the fun REALLY begins) of manifesting time and money freedom for you, while you create a business that makes you come ALIVE… and at the same time, transform the world with your expertise and knowledge. You’ll create your Monetization Map, and your Monetization Magnet. By the end of this pillar, you’ll have everything in place to start attracting your dream clients and growing your clan.

The Braveheart Business Blueprint is packed with powerful and transformative tools

  • The Braveheart Business Blueprint Curriculum:   Through your learning portal you’ll have access to the entire Blueprint curriculum, in the form of videos, audios, transcripts, downloadable workbooks and worksheets… all to support you take action towards the work you were born to do, no matter what your learning style is.
  • Weekly Intimate Group Coaching Calls:   Unlike other programs where “group coaching” is really a one-way webinar, in this hi-touch VIP program there is plenty of actual coaching and feedback as you develop your message and your offers for your perfect clients.
  • 1:1 Private Quick Start Coaching Session:   Liz or one of our coaches will help you get started on the right foot and answer your immediate pressing questions.
  • Exclusive Facebook Group:   Enjoy the support, expertise and camaraderie of other Bravehearts so you never feel that you are doing this alone. Liz and our coaches do spend time in the group between calls, answering questions and giving you feedback. 
  • Weekly Accountability System:   To keep you on track as you progress through the program.
  • Templates and Resource Library:   Complete access to our Trello Boards, Worksheets, Checklists and other resources to support you in confidently building your business foundation. 

What Clients Have Said About Working With Liz…

"I have been struggling for months to figure out the next step in taking everything in my heart and putting it into a business. With Liz, I gained clarity on the next right thing unlike anything I've had to date. I feel like I was finally able to package up all of my heart's desires and channel them into one next step. I can't wait to see where my journey takes me, and I can't thank Liz enough for her wisdom, her sensitivity to my specific situation, and her ability to bring poignant clarity to dissolve my overwhelm. Thank you Liz!"
-Jaycie Voorhees
Digging deep and discarding armor and old habits can be tough, but working with Liz is truly fun, safe, non-confrontational, not stressful, personal, and deep. The course has innumerable tools, techniques, methods, processes that have become a part of my daily life, and have helped me discover great things and beauty in myself and others…... to live in full potential, objective, happy. I was initially concerned about keeping up with the work, and being able to participate actively in the class discussions due to my schedule. But having access to the modules and recordings anytime was great. Plus I benefited a lot from working through this material together in a group.
- Cynthia Palmer Ph.D.
(The program) is filled with great tools that have helped me identify my priorities as well as deal with obstacles to reaching my goals. Most importantly, it has helped me see where I need to put my focus. I appreciate that the program is well structured and has a lot of substance, including recent research, to back up the practical exercises. I would recommend this program to anyone who is seeking direction or who feels dissatisfied
- Sonia Feldman

Why Bravehearts?

I’m so glad you asked 😊

Brave. Because it takes courage to out yourself out there.

Heart. Because I know you are passionate, not only about creating time and money freedom, but about making a difference in this world, and doing the work you were born to do with those you are destined to do it with.

You are a Braveheart Business Builder if…

You are an emerging women entrepreneur who is on the leading edge of social change and wants to create a business that matters and life you LOVE.

You’ve been on the front lines of life, suffered a few battle scars and wounds, but are not afraid of them. You know they are the keys to your greatest gifts and strengths.

You measure success, not only financially, but on the positive impact you want to make on the world around you.

You’d love and appreciate the support and camaraderie of other Braveheart Women.

You will not hold back your brilliance any longer. You know that individually we are strong, but together we are unstoppable!

Come join us....

So what's the secret?

They Took the PAGE STRATEGIES course

I've been honored to have had the opportunity to help some of 

the leaders in the online marketing space:



Rachel Miller is my go-to resource when it comes to growing my Facebook™ audience FAST. With real-world success and story after story of people starting from complete scratch to a thriving, engaged audience, there is nobody better to show you how to do the same... no matter what market you're in.



Rachel is the real deal and her strategies are simple, straight forward, brilliant and won’t get your Facebook™ account banned for shenanigans! I just crossed 1 million fans last week after adding another 42k fans during those 7 days with 875k video views. Rachel had a LOT to do with that!



I took Rachel's course. It was amazing. She loves seeing results in her attendees and her knowledge is like no one elses' when it comes to Facebook™. For me, my pages were stuck in a cycle a cycle that was good three years ago. By learning some new strategies and changing up the types of content that we were publishing brought a lot of life back to it (my pages).

Now it's your turn.

Are you ready to grow your audience FAST? If so, I'm super excited to share all my insights with you! That's why I developed the FB Page Strategies Course!! It's simply the best way to help you quickly build an audience of raving fans.


If you're a Facebook Page (or Group) owner...

If you're a blogger who wants more eyeballs on your content...

OR... you're a CEO who wants an audience of raving fans...

OR... you're an expert or influencer who wants to transform your "brick and mortar" audience into a highly engaged online audience...

OR... you're a stay-at-home mom who wants to bring in some side income...

OR... you're a small business owner who wants awareness of your products...

OR... you're a coach who wants MASSIVE influence...

OR... you're an agency looking to help other businesses grow their audience...

You're the reason FB Page Strategies exists.


But What if YOU DON'T Build an Audience?

It's like shouting out your window to a passersby, asking them to purchase

It's putting on a show - to an empty theater, in the wrong part of town


It is hosting a party and no one showing up (or worse, bad dinner guests)


The Braveheart Business Blueprint is for you if…

  • You’re an emerging speaker, coach, creative, author, healer, or other service- based women professional …. and you’re ready to FINALLY clarify your mission, your message and your dream clients, and get your work out into the world.
  • You are an established entrepreneur who isn’t getting the momentum you want and are ready to hit the “reset” button.
  • You have expertise, knowledge and transformation to share and want to create a business that matters and a life you LOVE.
  • ​You’re ready to dig deep with a group of equally amazing Brave Hearted women.

I'm LIZ...

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